CopaSAT named one of Tampa Bay’s Fastest Growing Companies
August 2, 2018
Tampa, FL – August 2, 2018 – CopaSAT LLC, a leader in highly reliable and secure global communication technology, has been recognized for rapid and impressive revenue growth with a Tampa Bay Fast 50 award. The Tampa Bay Business Journal’s 2018 Fast 50 honors the top 50 privately owned local businesses with the highest revenue growth percentage over the past three years.
CopaSAT ranked 16th with a growth rate of 163.98%. The Tampa Bay Business Journal’s 2018 Fast 50 winners are made up of privately held companies in the Tampa Bay Region, which is the 4th fastest growing metropolitan area in the USA.
CopaSAT’s CEO, Scott Bohnsack, credits the company’s growth to close relationships with clients and partners, stating, “We are very excited about our results from continued rapid growth. Our company’s main goal is to provide the best service for a competitive price, all of which is made possible by our innovative team.”
FAST 50 qualifications
To qualify for the Tampa Bay Business Journal’s Fast 50 ranking, companies must have had annual revenue of at least $1 million in 2015 or $5 million in 2017, as well as consecutive annual revenue growth from 2015 to 2017. The nominated companies must be privately held and locally owned, as well as be headquartered in Hernando, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, or Sarasota counties. In addition, Tampa Bay Fast 50 nominees must have been in operation since 2014 or prior.
About CopaSAT
CopaSAT, LLC is a provider of turn-key and end-to-end complex satellite solutions that are designed to simplify the deployment of satellite communications. CopaSAT provides a wide range of SATCOM products, services, and infrastructure incorporating Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT), airborne ISR/COTM, as well as maritime terminals in support of mission-critical applications for our customers. CopaSAT was recently named an awardee on the $2.5 billion Complex Commercial SATCOM Solution (CS3) contract. CopaSAT solutions are tailored to the unique requirements of our customer segments in aerospace, maritime, broadcast, government and infrastructure.
Contact Information:
Scott Bohnsack, CEO